Round the Decay Hollywood Movie (January 2025 Film)
Adam Newman
Adam Newman
Jon Balanoff
Adam McDonald
Adam Newman
Jay Voishnis
Topher Hansson
Distributed by
Dreamscape Productions
Release date
January 31, 2025
Running time: 105 minutes
United States
Round the Decay Hollywood Movie (January 2025 Film) Cost & Crew
- Victoria Mirrer as Kenzie Rhodes
- Damian Maffei as Munroe
- Sienna Hubert-Ross as Rosalyn ‘Roz’ Jackson
- Cary Hite as Bart Blakewell
- Alexis Safoyan as Aida Kazarian
- Rachel Pizzolato as The Wrexsoul
- Phil Duran as Larold Hayes
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Round the Decay Hollywood Movie (January 2025 Film) Premise
In order to ensure his family’s future in colonial New Hampshire and to purge the land of its last native inhabitants, Whelan Newport made the ultimate sacrifice in the 17th century as part of a deal with a suffering, famished ghost. The foundation of Newport’s Valley was cursed.
Two years after the untimely death of her fiancĂ©, Kenzie Rhodes travels to the Valley of Newport in the present. Even with the help of Gregory Newport, the town’s kind leader, Bart Blakewell, a new business owner in The Valley, is struggling to fit in. Bart’s decision to reduce Roz Jackson’s hours at the Barn Owl Inn exacerbates her financial difficulties. Ascending the town’s mountain, a party of hikers stumbles into an unexplored cave that harbours the ancient evil.
The gang of lonely misfits must band together as a nightmarish beast wreaks devastation on Newport’s Valley, causing their pasts and presents to collide. The appearance of the enigmatic Munroe, who is called upon by a family who wants to put a stop to the monster’s rule, makes everything weirder and reveals that The Valley is home to several monsters.

Round the Decay Hollywood Movie (January 2025 Film) Summary
Residents and tourists in Newport’s Valley are followed by the Round the Decay Hollywood Movie (January 2025 Film). Among a few others, the two primary characters are Munroe (Damian Maffei), Bart Blakewell (Cary Hite), Roz (Sienna Hubert-Ross), and Kenzie Rhodes (Victoria Mirrer). Bart is the new owner of the Barn Owl Inn, Munroe is a long-lost Winchester brother in town to hunt some monsters, Roz is a struggling single mother searching for a chance, and Kenzie returns to town following her husband’s tragic death in the woods. An ancient beast that is out to wreak havoc on people who “don’t belong” is threatening to bite this motley crew of heroes.
The majority of what Adam Newman throws against the wall in his fourth feature picture sticks. In Newman’s writing, the overpowering evil is defeated by compelling surface characters whom you want to see. He deftly inserts time leaps that seem forced initially but gradually smooth out the imperfections to create a compelling narrative. A significant amount of Round the Decay Hollywood Movie (January 2025 Film) is devoted to building, which will determine how long the audience stays interested. At one hour and forty-six minutes, Round the Decay Hollywood Movie (January 2025 Film) is a bit lengthy for a movie of this kind, and you can occasionally feel the strain. However, those who persevere will be rewarded with a well-written, gory climax and an odd sense of sympathy.

The creature design and effects bear a great deal of the burden regarding a creature feature. Fortunately, only one or two of the numerous instances in Round the Decay when you can sense the budget is creature-based. Special Effects on the Head For this piece, Greg McDougall, a makeup and creature designer, developed an incredibly horrifying monster. Rachel Pizzolato’s rendition of McDougall’s Wrexsoul is stunning in appearance, sound, and movement. If I had to evaluate this movie only based on the creature, I would give it a huge fat A, even though the killings are entertaining for whatever the budget was.
The acting in Round the Decay is generally good. The film is unaffected by the fact that some takes seem like first takes. This movie had two incredible, outstanding moments. As the new town transplant and company owner, Cary Hite delivers a really sincere and genuine performance. And then there’s Damian Maffei. The Black Eyed Susan alumnus in The Haunt, The Strangers: Prey At Night, Wrong Turn (2021) does not receive the affection he is due. Maffei has an incredible range. Whether wearing a mask or not, Maffei gives everything he has. His name always piques my interest when I see it in a cast.

Round the Decay is a fun and well-made monster feature, despite a few bugs and financial constraints. To alleviate the tension in novel and natural ways, Newman interjects dark comedic moments. If you enjoy creature traits, especially those of Pumpkinkinhead, Round the Decay will satisfy your needs. Around January and February, studios frequently release pictures they don’t believe in, but Round the Decay Hollywood Movie (January 2025 Film) is an exception. The emotion of those engaged is evident, and it is effectively conveyed on TV.

Round the Decay Hollywood Movie (January 2025 Film) Production
Adam Newman is the director, writer, and producer of the 2025 American independent horror movie Round the Decay Hollywood Movie (January 2025 Film). The movie centers on a young lady who goes back to Newport’s Valley, a quaint tourist town with a pervasive secret, the location of her broken engagement.
On January 31, 2025, the movie was released in the US.

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Round The Decay Movie Watch And Download
Round the Decay Hollywood Movie (January 2025 Film) Reviews
For an independent horror creature feature, this is a great “hang-out” movie. It keeps the action moving forward while introducing a diverse group of characters who are as fully realized as possible. When they die, you’ll genuinely be concerned. There are certain shortcomings and restrictions, but it’s worth seeing. You may struggle if you don’t like the main character’s storyline. Fun and scary, yet heartfelt! For a few nights, the monster will have you keeping the light on. The film, which was filmed locally in New Hampshire, has a stunning cast. I’m happy that I watched it at a nearby theatre. There were plenty of chuckles for a while, and the monster was very eerie.
Something terrible lurks as visitors and locals settle down for what appears to be a typical off-season day in Newport’s Valley, New Hampshire. This horror film is about as good as it gets. Unmemorable characters, a bland narrative, a generic-looking monster, and poor human behavior. Naturally, the movie’s premise is that a demon was called forth by a founder and that the town now feeds the creature, who has since fled.
Round the Decay Hollywood Movie (January 2025 Film) FAQS
Round the Decay Hollywood Movie (January 2025 Film) be released?
January 31, 2025
Who directed the Hollywood movie Round the Decay?
Adam Newman
Who wrote the Hollywood movie Round the Decay?
Adam Newman
How long is the Hollywood movie Round the Decay?
105 minutes
What genre is the Hollywood movie Round the Decay?
Who stars in the Hollywood movie Round the Decay?
Victoria Mirrer
Damian Maffei
Who was the producer of the Hollywood movie Round the Decay?
Jon Balanoff
Adam McDonald
What is the Original Language of the Hollywood Round the Decay?
Who was the cinematographer for the Hollywood movie Round the Decay?
Mike Magilnick
Who was the editor of the Hollywood Movie Round the Decay?
Topher Hansson