Alexander Vesha
Michael Polish
Joel Cohen
Randall Emmett
Release Date
January 17, 2025
Alarum movie (2025 film) Cost & Crew
- Scott Eastwood as Agent Joe Travers
- Sylvester Stallone as Agent Chester
- Willa Fitzgerald as Agent Laura Travers
- Mike Colter as Orlin
- Ísis Valverde as Bridgette
- D. W. Moffett as Director Burbridge
Alarum Movie (2025 Film) Summary & outline & Storyline
To marry, two spies go rogue, but as they do, multiple intelligence services target their secluded cabin in search of a stolen hard drive.
We first meet Laura (Willa Fitzgerald) and Joe (Scott Eastwood) during a quite relaxed winter holiday. After falling in love and being married, the two rogue spies gave up their jobs as spies. However, their escape is cut short when a slew of spy organizations show up with guns blazing, looking for a MacGuffin hard drive and a “flight pill,” believing the two had joined the rogue spy network Alarum. Ronald Burbridge (D.W. Moffett) of the CIA sends the two to fend off fleets of villains, such as psychopathic agent Orlin (Mike Colter) and notorious killer Chester (Sylvester Stallone).

Above all else, Alarum has a talented cast. With his generally credible action skills, Scott Eastwood makes a compelling lead. Stallone plays a straightforward role that doesn’t deviate too much from his rhetorical expertise, but it works well and is entertaining to watch. Colter is remarkable here (with one major disclaimer, however), and he has been killing it in roles like Evil’s nuanced priest, David Acosta, and Luke Cage. Fitzgerald was outstanding in Strange Darling, and she does well here when she appears on screen, although she is sadly absent for a large portion of the movie.

Alarum Movie (2025 Film) Production
The 2025 American action crime thriller Alarum, which was directed by Michael Polish, starred D. W. Moffett, Scott Eastwood, Sylvester Stallone, Willa Fitzgerald, Mike Colter, and Ísis Valverde.
On February 13, 2024, the movie received $5,863,392 from the Ohio Motion Picture Tax Credit Program.
Principal photography was completed on May 14 after starting on February 26 at Hueston Woods State Park in Oxford, Ohio.
It was revealed in May 2024 that the film’s distribution rights in the UK and Ireland have been purchased by Signature Entertainment.

Alarum Movie (2025 Film) Reviews
Mr. Tracy G.J. Congdon
It was interesting and well put-together, which is why I enjoyed it. The entertainment value alone was valuable since it fulfilled its function as a film and allowed me to unwind and “escape.” If you don’t watch films as a hired critic who looks for faults rather than appreciates what someone else did for you, it will amuse you even if it doesn’t win any Oscars or other significant honors.
Eric Thiele
indie film with a modest budget. begins with a brief, inexplicable action scene in which the two main protagonists fall on top of one another as they flee out of a window, and five seconds later, they fall in love… There isn’t any clear chemistry between them. Mike Colter is trying to sound like an African warlord. Stallone only served to promote this Dreck movie. Poor camera work, poor script, and poor performances. The first scene features various strange angles and zoomed-in views that last 1-2 seconds. It seems like a recent graduate student is attempting to be innovative with all these different filming techniques, but why are all the office scenes in grainy black and white? Less is more.
Paul Kachouroff
Although I adore Stallone, he is doing what other A-list actors do: go directly to DVD for cheap, cheesy films. Actors like him, Bruce Willis, Nicolas Cage, and others only do things to make quick money. I don’t understand. You folks aren’t wealthy enough, what? For heaven’s sake, be “choosy” and show some damn pride.
This, in my opinion, is a sign of the decline of traditional movie theatres and the growth of the online “fast food” industry. This one hurts; I agree. The direction is awful. The action scenes in the 1980s television series “The A-Team” are superior.
Byllee Kairy
Dreadful! This movie is garbage, so please don’t spend any money on it. It’s impossible to watch from start to finish. Both the conclusion and the visuals are awful. It’s not funny at all, and the acting is awful. The comedy is terrible, but I suppose they think they’re being funny sometimes. It’s awful acting. There is absolutely nothing positive about this film! It would receive a zero from me if I could. Even though I enjoy SyY, it seems like they are making pointless films right now to generate revenue. It’s unfortunate as well since I honestly believed that A-list actors would only appear in A-list films and stories. That is no longer the case. What a disappointment