Green and Gold Hollywood Movie (January Film 2025)

Green and Gold Hollywood Movie (January Film 2025)

Green and Gold Hollywood Movie (January Film 2025)

Anders Lindwall
Steven Shafer
Michael Graf
Missy Mareau Garcia
Anders Lindwall
Davin Lindwall
Aaron Boyd
Drama Film
Russ Fraser
Music by
Corey Martin
Distributed by
Fathom Events
Release date
January 31, 2025
United States
Box office
$1.6 million

Green and Gold Hollywood Movie (January Film 2025) Cost & Crew

  • Brandon Sklenar
  • Craig T. Nelson
  • M. Emmet Walsh
  • Madison Lawlor
  • Ashton Moio
  • Charlie Berens
  • Radio Host
  • Annabel Armour
  • Chanell Bell
  • Shivani Mendez
  • Bill Kalinak
  • Tim Frank
  • Joe Foust
  • Shaun Graves
  • Vincent Teninty
  • Paula Anglin
  • Dan Visser
  • LeRoy Butler
  • Bria Cloyd

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Green and Gold Hollywood Movie (January Film 2025) Premise

Craig T. Nelson stars in the 2025 American drama film Green and Gold Hollywood Movie (January Film 2025), which was written by Anders Lindwall, Steven Shafer, Michael Graf, and Missy Mareau Garcia. It was also directed by Anders Lindwall.[2] In the movie, a farmer from Wisconsin places a wager on the Green Bay Packers to preserve his property. Anders is being released in theatres for the first time.
On January 31, 2025, Fathom Events launched Green and Gold in the US.

Green and Gold Hollywood Movie (January Film 2025)

Green and Gold Hollywood Movie (January Film 2025)

Feeling that modern life moves too quickly is not unusual. Everything has become more hectic, and technology has taken over our lives. Didn’t things become better in the past? Socrates even went on a tirade against “kids today.” This is the overarching theme of Green and Gold Hollywood Movie (January Film 2025) by Anders Lindwall, which tells the tale of an old-fashioned farmer who fights to preserve his heritage in the face of commercial cynicism. More than that, it’s how I feel about the film. It has the vibe of something from the mid-2000s, when the most authentic human storytelling was still highly regarded. I pine for a period when films weren’t so self-aware, cynical, and sarcastic. There’s something so gloriously innocent about Green and Gold and how it handles its characters and issues.

Green and Gold Hollywood Movie (January Film 2025)

Since Lindwall’s intermittent filmography has thus far primarily consisted of short films, this is his first truly large-scale production. If this project doesn’t shout “talented up-and-comer,” I don’t know what does. He demonstrates such depth and mastery of the craft of filmmaking right from the first few scenes, deftly incorporating themes of love, mourning, community, and reverence for the natural world into the film’s core narrative.
Buck, played by Craig T. Nelson, is a seasoned Wisconsin farmer who follows traditional methods. He plows the ground by hand, milks his cows by hand, and declines to invest in technology that would ostensibly make his work simpler and more efficient. He was raised with a deep regard for the land, the animals, and life in general by his family, who have owned the farm for many generations. Therefore, he rejects the concept of modernizing the family company until a cunning bank manager sends him a foreclosure notice because of the farm’s declining profitability. He just wants to take care of his farm, watch his favorite Green Bay Packers football game, and figure out how to leave church before the service ends.

Green and Gold Hollywood Movie (January Film 2025)

In the meantime, his granddaughter, Jenny (played by Madison Lawlor), is a budding singer-songwriter who resembles Schuyler Fisk. When she is not working on the farm, she writes songs in the barn. She thinks she is getting recognized by the right people who will give her her big break while earning additional cash by doing local pub gigs. Her life is headed differently, but she still loves her grandfather. She urges Buck to accept the bank manager’s casual offer of a wager that may rescue the farm. He will offer the family a grace period to make up the difference if the Green Bay Packers go to the championships. It’s easy to understand how this kind of narrative could go in a corny, overly sentimental path, but Lindwall is too sophisticated and creative a filmmaker to let it go there.

Green and Gold Hollywood Movie (January Film 2025)

Green and Gold Hollywood Movie (January Film 2025) Production

In 2021, Green and Gold Hollywood Movie (January Film 2025) was filmed in northern Wisconsin, including Door County and Green Bay. [4] The film was finished under the working title “God Loves the Green Bay Packers” and went into post-production in late 2021.

Green and Gold Hollywood Movie (January Film 2025)

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Green and Gold Hollywood Movie (January Film 2025) Reviews

To appreciate Green and Gold Hollywood Movie (January Film 2025), you don’t even need to be a Green Bay Packers fan. The heartwarming tale of a farm family that places an odd wager to keep the property from going into foreclosure is told in this drama with strong performances. New score. With two compelling main performers and a well-known tale of generational transition, this love letter to rural America has much to offer. The captivating working-class tale of faith, farming, and football in Lindwall’s film is a love letter to people who take great delight in being grounded. A failing grade. Despite a few strong performances, the cliched narrative forces Green and Gold to make its most catastrophic mistake.
Green and Gold is a heartwarming tale of unwavering family ties, Midwestern camaraderie, and ardent Green Bay Packers supporters. A failing grade. The events in “Green and Gold” can hardly be classified as unexpected. Everyone who contributed to Green and Gold gave it their all, turning what could have been a mediocre drama into a genuinely amazing film. The Green Bay Packers are intertwined throughout the remarkable tale of rural America’s hardships and the value of family in Green and Gold. The winning friendship between Craig T. Nelson and Madison Lawlor serves as a reminder to everyone why football is so special to us.

Green and Gold Hollywood Movie FAQS

Green and Gold American Movie be released?

January 31, 2025

Who directed the Hollywood movie Green and Gold?

Anders Lindwall

Who wrote the Hollywood movie Green and Gold?

Steven Shafer

How long is the Hollywood movie Green and Gold?

95 minutes

What genre is the Hollywood movie Green and Gold?

Drama Film

Who stars in the Hollywood movie Green and Gold?

Charlie Berens
Radio Host

Who was the producer of the Hollywood movie Green and Gold?

Davin Lindwall

What is the Original Language of the Hollywood Green and Gold?


Who was the cinematographer for the Hollywood movie Green and Gold?

Russ Fraser

Who was the editor of the Hollywood Movie Green and Gold?

Scott Hanson

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